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Awards and AccoladesBest Cooperative N.G.O. in the Implementation of Workers Education Scheme
Showcase - SOBHA LimitedSOBHA is one of the most respected Real Estate brands in India. It has been honoured with more than 170 prestigious awards by various institutions of repute. These recognitions add a renewed vigour to our journey of sett
Outreach Program | Community Outreach - Embassy IndiaThe goal of the Outreach Program is to create a sustainable ecosystem while actively contributing to the social, economic, and environmental development of the communities in which Embassy Group operate.
Activated Carbon Manufacturer | Haycarb PLCHaycarb is a globally trusted Activated Carbon Manufacturer, offering sustainable solutions for diverse industrial applications. Learn more.
Action Construction Equipment Ltd. | AwardsHere is the list of awards and honors won by Action Construction Equipment Ltd.
Most Trusted NGO for Child Rights in India | Bal Raksha BharatBal Raksha Bharat is India's most trusted NGO dedicated to protecting and promoting child rights, ensuring a brighter future for every child across the nation.
Awards Recognition - KAVERISEEDSKaveri Seeds has been globally recognized as a significant player in India’s agribusiness landscape.
Certificate Signing Request (CSR) - OverviewA certificate signing request (CSR) is a message sent to a certificate authority to request the signing of a public key and associated information. Most commonly a CSR will be in a PKCS10 format. The contents of a CSR co
ACE - Construction Equipment Manufacturers Company in IndiaACE is India’s leading construction equipment manufacturing company & No.1 Crane brand with the largest market share in Mobile Cranes and Tower Cranes segment.
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) POLICY FOR C.R.I. PUMPS PRIVATECORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) POLICY FOR C.R.I. PUMPS PRIVATE LIMITED 1) INTRODUCTION : Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a Company’s commitment to its stakeholders to conduct business in an economically,
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